91-Year-Old Jailed 8 Days For Alleged Threat On Nurse
World War II Vet Claims Police Used Excessive Force
Honestly I think that is a damn shame. I can understand why the man got unruly. Is he a prisoner? Let him go on a walk. He's at the twilight of his life and you deny him such simple pleasures as LIVING. And then to beat this old man down and let him rot in jail for 8 days? Everyone involved in that should feel ashamed and do an accounting of what is in their heart. because "he was breaking the law" /"he was unruly/resisting arrest" Give me a break.
god bless James Floyd and thank god for good people.
Here's my finger out wagging. People do not abandon your old folks. Let's not abandon our old folks. Old people may not have family that managed to survive with them. I wish we could adopt old folk like people adopt kids. Let them live in a house amongst a family for the end of their days, instead of some medium security old peoples correctional facility, where they don't even get to go on walks.
You pigs that beat him up: what's wrong with you? How is beating up an old man anymore kosher when you are a cop than when you are common scum? To me it's worse that cops would treat an old fella like this, you're supposed to protect and serve. Old folk are vulnerable, they are not children but many of them need some care and company.
People who treat old people like shit really piss me off.
People who abandon their elderly kin to homes and loneliness really piss me off too. Just like kids old people are a blessing. We should treat them as such.
Monday, September 17, 2007
What Kind of Sick Fucks Can Do Something Like This?
A fight erupted and Aquitania, who had his baby's foot and hand prints tattooed on his forearms, was shot and killed. The gunmen then fled, pausing on the way to shoot the baby who was still seated in his car seat in the head, execution style.
A 24 year old who came out of the house drove away for help.
A 21 yr old ran out of the house, scooped up the baby and ran to the neighbor's for help. He went from door to door until finally a school bus driver saw the man and baby and let them on the bus. The baby was taken to UC Davis Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead about 5:15 p.m.
Police are still searching for the suspects.
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Monday, September 10, 2007
Britney You are Hearby Charged with Lowering The Whole of Humainity

Why are these fellas panicking, you might ask. What could be so distressful? Well if you have to ask that, you obviously didn't catch Britney Spears VMA performance.
A soft, tubby Britney clomped lethargically to the beat of her newest crap music, sometimes looking dazed and confused. Normally I wouldn't mention the flab, except Britney was wearing some sort of bikini outfit. Her flab rolls were spilling over the waistband of her bottoms...the whole thing was a nightmare.
I don't even like Britney Spears, but I was embarrassed for her. What the hell was she thinking? What was anyone thinking when they went along with the whole thing?
It just boggles the mind.
Rapper 50-cent looked bewildered checking out Britney's performance.

Read about more crimes against humanity on my blog. (:
Friday, September 7, 2007
New Details Emerge In U of A Dorm Killing
From KPHO.com channel 5 news Tuscon, Arizona:
POSTED: 10:29 am PDT September 5, 2007UPDATED: 10:02 pm PDT September 6, 2007TUCSON, Ariz. -- Upset that her roommate had accused her of theft, a University of Arizona freshman bought a knife, returned to their dorm room and stabbed the woman as she slept, according to court papers filed Thursday.But before 18-year-old Galareka Harrison killed Mia Henderson, she wrote a fake note in which the victim purportedly admitted falsely accusing her roommate and "mentioned ending her own life," university police Officer Mario Leon wrote.Harrison entered the room, left the note on her roommate's desk and then stabbed her "numerous times," according to Leon's probable cause statement, filed in Pima County Justice Court. more VIDEO: Watch Galareka Harrison's Initial Appearance
I am honestly shocked about the new details. I thought for sure this had been a crime of passion, but from what is coming out it looks like pure, unadulterated, pre-meditated, murder.
First Galareka is stealing Mia's things...and then she steals her life.
As can only be expected Galareka's mother says her child is an angel, never been in trouble and was obviously defending herself.
I feel so sorry for Mia, going to school with dreams of rising up, making a place for herself, and the University assigns a murderous thief as her roomie.
Perhaps Universities should start requiring psych eval. risk assessment before admitting students, and for students doing poorly in class.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Murder and Mayhem at U of A :(

Yesterday at the University of Arizona started like any other; students hanging out, talking to friends and sending messages on MySpace before the start of classes. By yesterday afternoon one student, Mia Henderson, 18, was dead. Her roommate, Galareka Harrison, 18,is her accused murderer. Both girls' friends have expressed their shock and dismay at this turn of events, in comments left on their MySpace accounts, linked above.
From "Gee Gee":Sep 6 2007 12:49AMighty Mia!!! words can't even explain the anger and sadness that i feel right now!!! :( All of this seems so unreal. You were such a great person. U meant harm to no one. I am very grateful to have been friends with you and played the wonderful game of softball together! we made some great memories on the field. I will miss you dearly princess mia. Right now i wish i could turn back time!!!! I will miss you soooo.....much! I love you my fren. I will miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

The trouble started a few weeks ago. On August 28, 2007 Mia filed a police report about stolen property. She believed her roommate, Galareka, was going through her purse, and stealing from her. She told officers that she would not be staying in the dorm room until Galareka was moved out. Police were unsure of when she returned.
At 5:45am September 5th, police responded to a call about a fight at the dorm. Police took both girls, who were injured to the hospital. Galareka's wounds were non-life threatening, Mia died of wounds consistant with stabbing. Police said they had recovered the murder weapon.
Released from the hospital the evening of the 5th, Galareka was taken into custody and charged with 1st degree murder.
It took a while for some of Mia's friends to get the word that she had been killed;
From 'I Love My Princess Mia":
Sep 5 2007 1:47P
princess!! what are you doing? I hear you got a new place!.. gah sorry about all that mess you were going through!! that must suck.. what a loser to be stealing .. idenity and money.. i mean.. come on!! haha.. well i would never d0 that to you.. i shoulda went up in there and busted a move ( gangster talk.. you know ima gangster) hahaa.. jk jk.. im no gangster.. cause your a white-girl.. haha.. memb. i told you when i first saw your name i thought you were gonna be white! haha.. anyways... we gotta go out to a movie or somthing!!!
Rest In Peace Mia :(
Mia is pictured on the top left, and Galareka (l) is pictured with a friend during happier times.
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Mom, Minivan and 4 kids vs. Train
This story is so infuriating and mind boggling that it is hard to put into words. In Hammond Indiana Edie Bolanos, in her mini-van and accompanied by four children, decided rather than wait for a freight train to pass, she would race it. This is what happened next:
Racing to beat the eastbound freight train, she was probably shocked when the approaching west bound train that hit her, striking the drivers side full force. The van was then spun into the path of the eastbound train she was trying to beat and struck once again.
Video from Northern Indiana Commuter Transportation District cameras shows that in a 65-second span, Edie Bolanos tried to beat an eastbound freight train by turning into a parking lot, racing east to overtake the train, and then making a hairpin turn to continue south on Johnson Avenue across the tracks.
Two of her children, Crystal, 11, and Anahi, 8, were ejected from the minivan and were pronounced dead at the scene. Two other children were hospitalized and are in stable condition. Edie Bolanos is hospitalized in critical condition.
Personally I will praying that Ms. Bolanos makes a speedy recovery, so that she can spend the rest of her days in prison contemplating what she's done. I feel so sorry for the kids that survived, they have to live with the memories of the wreck and to live without their siblings. They also have to live with the knowledge that her mother is the one who killed them.
I really hope none of her relatives or friends, or anyone else who knew her comes out talking about what a good mother she is, because obviously not. There is nothing I can think of that could possibly justify racing a train, let alone while your van full of children or any other passenger.
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Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Father Arrested After Leaving Toddler in Car at Brothel Parking Lot
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,295695,00.htmlPATRICK, Nev. — An Oregon rugby player remains in jail Tuesday after being arrested on charges he left his 2-year-old daughter in a vehicle in the parking lot of a Nevada brothel on a 95-degree day.
Lucien Hoffman, of Bend, Ore., is being held in the Storey County Detention Center in lieu of $40,000 bail on charges of child neglect.
Police arrested Hoffman early Sunday night at the World Famous Mustang Ranch brothel in Sparks, Nev., after a security guard found the child crying inside the car, according to Storey County Sheriff's Det./Sgt. Kenneth Quirk.
Hoffman, a wing for Bend Rugby who goes by the nicknames Luke and "Torpedo," had been attending a pool party and barbecue at the brothel, a co-sponsor of a Labor Day weekend rugby tournament in Reno organized by the Reno Zephyrs Rugby Club.
A handful of Bend Rugby team members had driven to the brothel party in a camper van, according to the club's president, Matt Burke. Neither coaching staff nor team captains attended the event, he said.
"We won the tournament, so I think half of the people in the club got in their cars and started driving home and a few went to the after-tournament function to receive the trophy," said Burke, who did not attend the Nevada tournament.
Quirk said that had the child been noticed by the brothel security guard, Hoffman's vehicle wouldn't have been allowed in. When security guards did hear her crying and couldn't locate her parents, they contacted the sheriff's office and took the child inside the brothel.
"It was 95 degrees out at that time of day, and you have to figure another 30 degrees on top of that inside a vehicle even with the windows down," Quirk said.
According to the Reno Rugby Club's Web site, the brothel pool party was an after-event for its first "Biggest Little Rugby Tournament in the World," a two-day competition drawing 14 rugby teams from around the West Coast.
Hoffman attended the tournament with his girlfriend, a woman who is not the mother of the 2-year-old toddler. Hoffman shares joint custody of the child with her biological mother.
"It was probably not a good decision to take the child [to Nevada] in the first place, but basically it was sort of like a vacation for them," Burke said.
After Hoffman's arrest, the toddler was treated for dehydration and released to the Nevada Division of Child and Family Services. She was returned to her mother in Bend, Ore.
Burke called Hoffman a good father who made a bad decision.
"We know Luke to be a good father," he said. "He's not a neglectful person or an irresponsible parent. It's unfortunate that he made the decision that he did to put here in the car, but I'm sure the decision wasn't arrived at in a neglectful manner or that he was intentionally being neglectful."
He must have been another first rung graduate from the Brittney Spears Parenting School.
Why do dumb asses continue to breed?
California Infant Dies After Mom Uses Meth Pipe Swab to Clean His Nose
Monday, September 03, 2007

ONTARIO, Calif. — An 8-month-old boy has died after his mother told police she accidentally cleaned his nose with a cotton swab used earlier to clean a methamphetamine pipe.
Samuel Reta of Ontario was declared dead Friday at Loma Linda University Medical Center, according to the San Bernardino County Coroner's office.
Reta had been in a coma since police responding to a child-not-breathing emergency call early Thursday found him in full cardiac arrest. The baby also has a fractured skull, broken arm and pneumonia, police said.
Elizabeth Reta, 27, was arrested Thursday and booked for investigation of felony child abuse.
Her boyfriend Juan Antonio Sanchez Jr., who surrendered to police later that night, was also arrested on suspicion of abusing the child, officials said.
It was not immediately known if Reta and Sanchez faced additional charges now that they boy had died, police Sgt. Joseph Giallo said Monday.
Reta had told police she gave the baby a bath, and then used the cotton swab to clean his nose because it was itching, police said. She said she didn't know the swab had been used to clean a methamphetamine pipe.
It wasn't clear when the baby suffered the broken bones. Police said some of the injuries may be the result of Sanchez's attempt to rouse the baby from his seizure.
http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,295585,00.htmlThere is absolutely no excuse for this. These two need to spend the rest of their lives in jail. If you are so fucked up that you would clean your babies nose with a meth filled cotton swab you should not have babies. Reta claims she didn't know it was used to clean a meth pipe...but what was a meth pipe even doing in the house?
Then skull fractures and broken arms? I hope they will be able to determine if those injuries occurred prior to the Sanchez's attempts to revive Samuel.
That poor kid never had a chance.